Vlookup Multiple Values – Return MULTIPLE corresponding values for ONE Lookup Value Related Links: 1. Excel VLOOKP Function, with examples. 2. Left Lookup with VLookup Excel function. 3. Left Lookup, with Index, Match & Offset Excel functions. 4. Case Sensitive Vlookup; Finding the 1st, 2nd, nth or last occurrence of the Lookup Value. Return MULTIPLE...
Find ‘Smallest’, ‘Largest’, ‘K-th Smallest’ and ‘K-th Largest’ Numbers in a Range
Find ‘Smallest’, ‘Largest’, ‘K-th Smallest’ and ‘K-th Largest’ Numbers in a Range with Excel Functions Related Links: Remove Duplicates in a range, using “Find Smallest and Largest Value with VBA. Using ParamArray to find Minimum Value. ————————————————————————————————————————— Find Smallest Number or K-th Smallest Number in a Range Find Smallest Number in a Range,...