SUM Smallest 3 Values in Non-Contiguous Cells with Uneven Intervals SUM of Smallest 3 Non Contiguous Cells (with values above zero or non-blank cells) with Uneven Intervals SUM Smallest 3 of 7 Non Contiguous Cells (A2, A4,A5, A7,A8, A11, A12) – Multiple Methodologies are illustrated Cell D17 and D27 formulas: Both formulas – Sum...
Tag: Separate Values
AVERAGE of Non Contiguous Cells which are Unevenly Distributed
AVERAGE of Non Contiguous Cells which are Unevenly Distributed AVERAGE of Non Contiguous Cells which are Unevenly Distributed Cell D9 formula: Average 6 Non Contiguous Cells which are Unevenly Distributed (A2, A4, A5, A7, A8, A10) having values greater than zero. ———————————————————————————————– Average Non-Contiguous Cells, Unevenly Distributed Cell D9 formula: Average 6...
Average of first 10 values in a column, Ignore Error Values
Average of first 10 values in a column, Ignore Error Values, Exclude / Include Zeros & Blank Cells Average of first 10 values in a column, Ignore Error Values Cell C8 formula: Average of the first 10 values in column A, ignore errors, includes zeros, excludes blank cells. ———————————————————————————————– Average 1st 10...
Average of Last 20 Positive values only in a Column
Average of Last 20 column values, only Positives / Negatives Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in column A Cell G4 formula: Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in column A. ———————————————————————————————– Cell G4 formula: Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in...
Average Largest 5 column values, per Matching Id
Average of Largest 5 Values in a Column, per Matching Id Average of Largest 5 Values in column B, corresponding to the respective Id in column A. Cell F2 formula: Average of Largest 5 Values in column B, corresponding to the respective Id in column A – Blank cells are ignored, and zeros are considered for Average. ...
Average of Consecutive Negative Numbers
Average of Consecutive Negative Numbers in a Column Average of Consecutive Negative Numbers in column A. Cell C3 formula: Average of Consecutive Negative Numbers (ie. if Consecutive more than Once atleast) in Column A. ———————————————————————————————– Average Consecutive Negative Numbers Cell C3 formula: Average of Consecutive Negative Numbers (ie. if Consecutive more than Once atleast) in...
Assign separate Values to Non-Contiguous Cells and return SUM
SUM – Assign separate Values to Non-Contiguous Cells and return SUM SUM – Assign separate Values to Non-Contiguous Cells in a column, and return SUM Cell E4 formula: Check ALL cells in the range A2:A10 for “Yes” & return SUM: if 2nd or 8th cells are “Yes” add 10 for each; if any other...
SUM Largest 4 Values in Non-Contiguous Cells of a Row
SUM Largest 4 Values in Non-Contiguous Cells of a Row SUM Largest 4 Values in Non-Contiguous Cells of a Row Cell B9 formula: Non-Contiguous cells with even intervals – SUM largest 4 values in the 2nd row cells of B2, F2, J2, N2, R2 & V2 (consider 1st cell, skip the next 3 cells). Returns...