Count Unique values in a column, subject to Multiple Conditions – AND / OR Count Unique values in column A subject to multiple AND/OR conditions Cell J2 formula – Count Unique values in column A subject to multiple AND/OR conditions: (i) If ANY column B, D or F has “Y” (ie. if atleast...
Tag: Multiple Conditions
Countif Array Criteria, Multiple Columns, AND / OR conditions
COUNTIF with Array Criteria, Multiple Columns, AND / OR conditions Related Links: 1. Excel VLOOKP Function, with examples. 2. Left Lookup with VLookup Excel function. 3. Left Lookup, with Index, Match & Offset Excel functions. 4. Vlookup Multiple Values – Return MULTIPLE corresponding values for ONE Lookup Value. COUNTIF (or Sumproduct) for Multiple Columns, Array Criteria, using...