ChartFormat object – line, fill & effect formatting for chart elements: FillFormat object, LineFormat object, ShadowFormat object, GlowFormat object, SoftEdgeFormat object, ThreeDFormat object

ChartFormat object – line, fill & effect formatting for chart elements: FillFormat object, LineFormat object, ShadowFormat object, GlowFormat object, SoftEdgeFormat object, ThreeDFormat object Contents: The ChartFormat object The FillFormat obj Setting ForeColor & BackColor for the Fill Setting a Solid Fill Setting Gradient Type for the Fill Gradient Stops – the End Points of Color...

Child Objects common for many chart elements: Border Object, ChartFillFormat Object, Interior Object, Font Object

Child Objects commonly used with Chart Elements: Border Object, ChartFillFormat Object, Interior Object, Font Object Contents: Border Object ChartFillFormat Object Interior Object Font Object You can use the Border object, ChartFillFormat Object, Interior Object & Font Object with several Chart Elements to customize the border, fill, interior and font settings. Each object has multiple properties...

Chart Elements in Excel VBA (Part 2) – Chart Series, Data Labels, Chart Legend

Chart Elements in Excel VBA (Part 2) – Chart Title, Chart Area, Plot Area, Chart Axes, Chart Series, Data Labels, Chart Legend Contents: Chart Series DataLabels Object / DataLabel Object Chart Legend This chapter discusses some important chart elements contained on a chart, which include: chart area (ChartArea object); chart title (ChartTitle object); plot area...

Chart Elements in Excel VBA (Part 1) – Chart Title, Chart Area, Plot Area, Chart Axes

Chart Elements in Excel VBA (Part 1) – Chart Title, Chart Area, Plot Area, Chart Axes, Chart Series, Data Labels, Chart Legend Contents: Chart Title Chart Area Plot Area Chart Axis This chapter discusses some important chart elements contained on a chart, which include: chart area (ChartArea object); chart title (ChartTitle object); plot area (PlotArea...

Charts in Excel VBA – Add a Chart, the Chart object & the ChartObject object

Charts in Excel VBA – Add a Chart, the Chart object & the ChartObject object Contents: Worksheet & Chart Sheet in Excel Add a Chart ChartObject object Chart object Excel is a great tool to create charts quickly & easily, to display worksheet data in a meaningful manner for users. This section illustrates creating &...

Create Charts in Excel VBA: Embedded Charts – Line with Markers; Clustered Stacked Column Chart; Clustered Stacked Bar Chart displaying Variance; Pie chart; XY Scatter chart & Bubble chart

Create Charts in Excel VBA: Embedded Charts – Line with Markers; Clustered Stacked Column Chart; Clustered Stacked Bar Chart displaying Variance; Pie chart; XY Scatter chart & Bubble chart Contents: Create an Embedded Chart – Line with Markers Creating a Clustered Stacked Column Chart Create a Clustered Stacked Bar Chart displaying Variance between Series Pie...

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