Average of Last 20 Positive values only in a Column


Average of Last 20 column values, only Positives / Negatives



Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in column A


Cell G4 formula Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in column A. 








Cell G4 formula: Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in column A.  


Cell G4 formula: 


=AVERAGE(IF( ISNUMBER( MATCH(ROW( A2:A50)- ROW(A2)+1, LARGE(( A2:A50>=0)*( A2:A50<>””)*( ROW(A2:A50)- ROW(A2)+ 1), ROW( 1:20)), 0)), A2:A50))   


Explanation – Cell G4 formula (Array Formula – Ctrl+Shift+Enter):


1) LARGE((A2:A50>=0)*( A2:A50 <>””)*(ROW( A2:A50)- ROW(A2)+1), ROW(1:20)): returns an array of the 20 largest row numbers of non-blank cells whose values are equal to or greater than zero – {48; 45;40; 39; 37;34; 33; 31;30; 29; 27;23; 19; 18;17; 16; 13;12; 11;10}. This is the lookup_array argument of the MATCH function.


2) ROW(A2:A50)- ROW(A2)+1: returns an array of row numbers starting from 1 to 49 – {1; 2;3; 4;5; 6;7; 8;…; 46;47; 48;49}. This is the lookup_value argument of the MATCH function, and the row numbers of 1) above are matched with these and for the matched rows (ie. where the Match function returns a number) the column A cell values are returned. Using the AVERAGE function returns the Average of these last 20 values >= 0. Using the AVERAGE function returns the Average of these last 20 values which are equal to or greater than zero.






Related Formulas – illustrated in the Ebook of Excel Formulas.



Other formulas: 


Cell F4 formula: Average of last 20 positive values (zero and above) in column A. This is similar to cell G4 formula illustrated above, without using the MATCH / ISNUMBER functions. Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter).



Cell G7 formula: Average of last 20 positive values (above zero only) in column A. Uses the LARGE and AVERAGE functions with MATCH / ISNUMBER functions. Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter). 


Cell F7 formula: Average of last 20 positive values (above zero only) in column A. This is similar to cell G7 formula above, without using the MATCH / ISNUMBER functions. Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter).



Cell G10 formula: Average of last 20 negative values (below zero) in column A. Uses the LARGE and AVERAGE functions with MATCH / ISNUMBER functions. Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter). 


Cell F10 formula: Average of last 20 negative values (below zero) in column A. This is similar to cell G10 formula above, without using the MATCH / ISNUMBER functions. Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter).




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