Automate Microsoft PowerPoint from Excel, using vba, Run a Slide Show
Automate Microsoft PowerPoint from Excel
Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 3 slides with sound effect, and run a slide show, using Early Binding
In this section it is explained how to create, open, insert slide / shape / text and save and close a new PowerPoint ppt, using Automation in vba. Examples have been given to automate using both Early Binding and Late Binding.
When you use vba in an Office Application, say PowerPoint, a reference to the PowerPoint Object Library is set by default. When you Automate to work with PowerPoint objects from another application, say Excel, you can add a reference to the PowerPoint object library in Excel (your host application) by clicking Tools-References in VBE, which will enable using PowerPoint’s predefined constants. This is a must when you automate using Early Binding (explained earlier). Once this reference is added, a new instance of PowerPoint application can be created by using the New keyword.
Automate PowerPoint from Excel, using Late Binding: You need not add a reference to the PowerPoint object library in Excel (your host application), in this case you will not be able to use the PowerPoint’s predefined constants and will need to replace them by their numerical values in your code. In Late Binding, the object variable is declared as an Object Type which can be a reference to any object, and this makes an object late bound. In Late Binding, the object library is not exposed during design-time, but the binding happens during run-time using the CreateObject or the GetObject functions. CreateObject creates a new instance of Outlook and GetObject returns an already running instance of the PowerPoint object.
Click here for a detailed explanation of Automation using Early Binding and Late Binding.
Scroll down to Example 3 to download an Excel file, for live code of a 4-slide PowerPoint Presentation which Runs an automated Slide Show.
Example 1: Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 3 slides with sound effect, and run a slide show, using Early Binding.
Sub Automating_PowerPoint_from_Excel_1()
‘Automate using Early Binding: Add a reference to the PowerPoint Object Library in Excel (your host application) by clicking Tools-References in VBE, which will enable using PowerPoint’s predefined constants. Once this reference is added, a new instance of PowerPoint application can be created by using the New keyword.
‘Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 3 slides with sound effect, and run a slide show.
‘variables declared as a specific object type ie. specific to the application which is being automated:
Dim applPP As PowerPoint.Application
Dim prsntPP As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim slidePP As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim shapePP As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim lSlideCount As Long
Dim strPpPath As String, strPpName As String
‘Create a new instance of the PowerPoint application. Set the Application object as follows:
Set applPP = New PowerPoint.Application
‘make the PowerPoint window visible:
applPP.Visible = True
‘maximize PowerPoint window:
applPP.WindowState = ppWindowMaximized
‘create a new presentation in PowerPoint:
Set prsntPP = applPP.Presentations.Add
‘set path where to save the new presentation, to the same location as the host workbook:
strPpPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
‘set name for the new presentation with the defined path as determined above:
strPpName = strPpPath & “\” & “newPresentation1.pptx”
‘saves the new presentation, with the specified name and path:
prsntPP.SaveAs Filename:=strPpName
‘use the SlideMaster Property to set the background for all slides:
prsntPP.SlideMaster.Background.Fill.PresetTextured msoTextureStationery
‘The title slide (ppLayoutTitleOnly) has 1 shape, Shape(1) is the title, you can add your own shapes to the slide:
‘add a title slide to the new presentation:
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=1, Layout:=ppLayoutTitleOnly)
‘use the SlideShowTransition Property to determine how the slide advances in a slide show:
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedFast
.EntryEffect = ppEffectWedge
‘set AdvanceOnTime property to true for the slide to advance automatically after the specified time gap:
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
‘AdvanceTime Property sets the time gap in seconds for the specified slide transition.
‘set the slide advance time of 20 seconds before it advances to the next slide:
.AdvanceTime = 17
End With
‘Text Frame refers to the area within a shape that holds text and it has properties and methods to control its alignment and anchoring.
‘TextRange refers to text in a shape and it has properties and methods to add and manipulate text.
‘set the title text on the slide:
slidePP.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales Performance – 2012”
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set shapePP = slidePP.Shapes.
AddShape(Type:=msoShapeOval, Left:=50, Top:=150, Width:=120, Height:=90)
With shapePP
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Presented by Scott Kelly”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Arial”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
‘use the Shape.AnimationSettings Property to apply special effects for animation of a shape during a slide show:
With .AnimationSettings
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 2
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromLeft
‘use TextUnitEffect Property to determine how the text is animated – by paragraph, by word, or by letter:
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
End With
End With
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set shapePP = slidePP.
Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShape8pointStar, Left:=220, Top:=200, Width:=250, Height:=270)
‘set the shape properties:
With shapePP
.Name = “Company”
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
.Fill.OneColorGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 4, 0.2
.Line.Style = msoLineSingle
‘note that vbCrLf or Chr(13) have the effect of creating a new paragraph:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Company Name: CarSalesCo Inc, USA” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & “Includes” & vbCrLf & “all Branches Worldwide”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Arial”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
‘Set the AnimationSettings.AdvanceMode Property to ppAdvanceOnTime, for the animation to start automatically after the specified time gap.
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
‘animate specified shape automatically after 2 seconds:
.AdvanceTime = 2
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromLeft
‘The AnimationSettings.TextLevelEffect Property determines the paragraph level by which the text in a shape gets animated:
.TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateBySecondLevel
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByCharacter
End With
End With
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘The text slide (ppLayoutText)has 2 shapes wherein text can be inserted, Shape(1) is the title, and Shape(2) is the bulleted text area:
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutText)
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedSlow
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFadeSmoothly
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
.AdvanceTime = 12
End With
With slidePP.Shapes(1)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Your Company has returned a Bumper Sales Performance during the Financial Year 2012. Highlights:”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Verdana”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 2
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromRight
End With
End With
With slidePP.Shapes(2)
‘use the TextRange.ParagraphFormat Property to do paragraph formatting for the specified text.
With .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat
‘set paragraph alignment:
.Alignment = ppAlignJustify
‘msoTrue indicates that line spacing is set to a specific number of lines between base lines whereas msoFalse indicates that line spacing is set to a specific number of points:
.LineRuleWithin = msoTrue
‘set space between base lines:
.SpaceWithin = 1.2
‘msoTrue indicates that line spacing is set to a specific number of lines before each paragraph’s first line whereas msoFalse indicates that line spacing is set to a specific number of points.
.LineRuleBefore = msoTrue
‘set the space after before each paragraph’s first line:
.SpaceBefore = 0.5
‘msoTrue indicates that line spacing is set to a specific number of lines after each paragraph’s last line whereas msoFalse indicates that line spacing is set to a specific number of points.
.LineRuleAfter = msoTrue
‘set the space after after each paragraph’s last line:
.SpaceAfter = 0.75
End With
‘this shape is the bulleted text area, here we are changing the bullet type:
ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = ppBulletNumbered
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “All Sales Targets have been Exceeded and this is due to the tremendous efforts of the staff and management led by the Managing Director, Mr. Kurt Murray” & Chr(13) & “200% Sales Growth over the Previous Year” & Chr(13) & “250% Increase in Net Profit” & Chr(13) & “Best Sales Performance Region – North America” & Chr(13) & “Record Sales in the Month of June” & Chr(13) & “Best Individual Target Achievment – Mr. Jim Holland”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Times New Roman”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 2
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromRight
End With
End With
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘Being a blank slide (ppLayoutBlank), it has no shapes, you can add your shapes to the slide:
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutBlank)
‘You use the SlideMaster Property to set the background gradient for all slides, as shown in the beginning. If you want to set the background for an individual slide without affecting other slides, you need to set the FollowMasterBackground property of a slide to False, as shown below.
slidePP.FollowMasterBackground = False
slidePP.Background.Fill.PresetGradient Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1, PresetGradientType:=msoGradientDesert
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedSlow
.EntryEffect = ppEffectBoxOut
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
.AdvanceTime = 10
End With
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set shapePP = slidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=
msoShapeRectangle, Left:=10, Top:=10, Width:=470, Height:=250)
‘activate the new slide:
applPP.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘select shape to align:
‘aligning a shape(s):
‘ShapeRange object represents all slide objects selected in the slide. Align (ie. ShapeRange.Align Method) works with ShapeRange, and not with a Shape, hence selection of a shape is required to use the Selection.ShapeRange Property as below.
applPP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
applPP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoTrue
‘Aligns all shapes in the slide:
‘slidePP.Shapes.Range.Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
‘vertical alignment of textframe in the selected shape:
TextFrame2.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorTop
With shapePP
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 100, 100)
‘Chr(32) adds a space; Chr(13) is carriage return and has the effect of creating a new paragraph:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Chr(32) & “We hope to Continue this Strong Performance” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(32) & “Thank You Ladies & Gentlemen” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(32) & “End of Presentation”
Alignment = ppAlignJustify
‘add bullets to all text in the range:
Bullet.Type = ppBulletUnnumbered
‘to add bullets to the first paragraph:
ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = ppBulletUnnumbered
‘to add bullets to the last paragraph:
Count).ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Character = 8226
‘indent last para:
IndentLevel = 2
TextRange.Paragraphs.Count).IndentLevel = 3
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Times New Roman”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 2
‘You can assign different sound effects for each shape viz. Chime, Applause, etc. Play the powerpoint sound named Applause:
.SoundEffect.Name = “Chime”
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.EntryEffect = ppEffectCheckerboardAcross
End With
End With
‘refer shape by its name:
TextRange.Paragraphs(1).Lines(1).Font.Italic = True
‘format as italic the second and third lines of the first paragraph in shape three on slide one in the current powerpoint presentation:
TextRange.Paragraphs(1).Lines(2, 3).Font.Color = vbBlue
TextRange.Paragraphs(3).Lines(1).Font.Underline = True
‘save the presentation:
‘minimize Excel window:
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘run the slide show:
applPP.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide 1
‘use the SlideShowSettings Property to set the slide show settings of the presentation:
With prsntPP.SlideShowSettings
.StartingSlide = 1
.EndingSlide = lSlideCount
‘slides will advance per the timings (ie. SlideShowTransition.AdvanceTime) set therein:
.AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings
End With
End Sub
Example 2: Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 4 slides with sound clips and chart, run & view the slide show, automatically close & quit the PowerPoint application, using Early Binding.
Sub Automating_PowerPoint_from_Excel_2()
‘Automate using Early Binding: Add a reference to the PowerPoint Object Library in Excel (your host application) by clicking Tools-References in VBE, which will enable using PowerPoint’s predefined constants. Once this reference is added, a new instance of PowerPoint application can be created by using the New keyword.
‘Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 4 slides with sound clips and chart, run & view the slide show, automatically close & quit the PowerPoint application.
‘variables declared as a specific object type ie. specific to the application which is being automated:
Dim applPP As PowerPoint.Application
Dim prsntPP As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim slidePP As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim shapePP As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim shapeSoundPP As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim lSlideCount As Long
Dim oSlideShowPP As Object
Dim strPpPath As String, strPpName As String
‘Create a new instance of the PowerPoint application. Set the Application object as follows:
Set applPP = New PowerPoint.Application
‘make the PowerPoint window visible:
applPP.Visible = True
‘maximize PowerPoint window:
applPP.WindowState = ppWindowMaximized
‘create a new presentation in PowerPoint:
Set prsntPP = applPP.Presentations.Add
‘set path where to save the new presentation, to the same location as the host workbook:
strPpPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
‘set name for the new presentation with the defined path as determined above:
strPpName = strPpPath & “\” & “newPresentation1.pptx”
‘saves the new presentation, with the specified name and path:
prsntPP.SaveAs Filename:=strPpName
‘use the SlideMaster Property to set the background gradient for all slides:
PresetGradient Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1, PresetGradientType:=msoGradientDaybreak
‘The title slide (ppLayoutTitleOnly) has 1 shape, Shape(1) is the title, you can add your own shapes to the slide:
‘add a title slide to the new presentation:
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=1, Layout:=ppLayoutTitleOnly)
‘Add sound in your slide – use the Shapes.AddMediaObject Method to create a media object:
Set shapeSoundPP = slidePP.Shapes.AddMediaObject(“C:\Users\Amit Tandon\Documents\Sound\10 S.O.S..m4a”, Left:=5, Top:=5, Width:=10, Height:=10)
‘use AnimationSettings.PlaySettings Property to set how the sound clip plays during the slide show:
With shapeSoundPP.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings
‘play sound automatically after the slide transition:
.PlayOnEntry = True
‘Determine whether to pause the slide show till the finish of the sound clip:
.PauseAnimation = False
‘two slides will be displayed before the sound clip stops playing:
.StopAfterSlides = 2
End With
‘use the SlideShowTransition Property to determine how the slide advances in a slide show:
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedFast
.EntryEffect = ppEffectWedge
‘set AdvanceOnTime property to true for the slide to advance automatically after the specified time gap:
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
‘AdvanceTime Property sets the time gap in seconds for the specified slide transition.
‘set the slide advance time of 20 seconds before it advances to the next slide:
.AdvanceTime = 20
End With
‘Text Frame refers to the area within a shape that holds text and it has properties and methods to control its alignment and anchoring.
‘TextRange refers to text in a shape and it has properties and methods to add and manipulate text.
‘set the title text on the slide:
slidePP.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales Performance – 2012”
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set shapePP = slidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeOval, Left:=50, Top:=150, Width:=120, Height:=90)
With shapePP
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Presented by Scott Kelly”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Arial”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
‘use the Shape.AnimationSettings Property to apply special effects for animation of a shape during a slide show:
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 2
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromLeft
‘use TextUnitEffect Property to determine how the text is animated – by paragraph, by word, or by letter:
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByWord
End With
End With
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set shapePP = slidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=
msoShape8pointStar, Left:=220, Top:=200, Width:=250, Height:=270)
‘set the shape properties:
With shapePP
.Name = “Company”
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
.Line.Style = msoLineThickThin
‘note that vbCrLf or Chr(13) have the effect of creating a new paragraph:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Company Name: CarSalesCo Inc, USA” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & “Includes” & vbCrLf & “all Branches Worldwide”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Arial”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
‘Set the AnimationSettings.AdvanceMode Property to ppAdvanceOnTime, for the animation to start automatically after the specified time gap.
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
‘animate specified shape automatically after 2 seconds:
.AdvanceTime = 2
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromLeft
‘The AnimationSettings.TextLevelEffect Property determines the paragraph level by which the text in a shape gets animated:
.TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateBySecondLevel
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByCharacter
End With
End With
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘The text slide (ppLayoutText)has 2 shapes wherein text can be inserted, Shape(1) is the title, and Shape(2) is the bulleted text area:
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutText)
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedSlow
.EntryEffect = ppEffectUncoverDown
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
.AdvanceTime = 12
End With
With slidePP.Shapes(1)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Your Company has returned a Bumper Sales Performance during the Financial Year 2012. Highlights:”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Verdana”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromRight
End With
End With
With slidePP.Shapes(2)
‘use the TextRange.ParagraphFormat Property to do paragraph formatting for the specified text.
‘this shape is the bulleted text area, here we are changing the bullet type:
Bullet.Type = ppBulletNumbered
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “All Sales Targets have been Exceeded” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & “200% Sales Growth over the Previous Year” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & “250% Increase in Net Profit” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & “Best Sales Performance Region – North America” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & “Record Sales in the Month of June” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & “Best Individual Target Achievment – Mr. Jim Holland”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Times New Roman”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 1
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateBySecondLevel
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromRight
End With
End With
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutTitleOnly)
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedFast
‘use the SoundEffect.ImportFromFile Method to specify the sound to play when the slide transition happens – add a .wav format file. Specify the full name and path of the sound file. WAV is a supported audio file format in powerpoint. Note that a supported audio file extension may also not play correctly if the correct codec version is not installed, or if the file is not programmed in a format recognized by your version of Microsoft Windows.
.SoundEffect.ImportFromFile “C:\Users\Amit Tandon\Documents\Sound\Audio_2.wav”
‘audio will play till the start of the next sound:
.LoopSoundUntilNext = msoTrue
.EntryEffect = ppEffectWheel1Spoke
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
.AdvanceTime = 10
End With
slidePP.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales Performance – 2012”
With slidePP.Shapes(1)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales and Profitability Chart”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Verdana”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = vbYellow
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromTop
End With
End With
Set shapePP = slidePP.Shapes(slidePP.Shapes.Count)
With shapePP
.Top = slidePP.Shapes(slidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Top + slidePP.Shapes(slidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Height + 25
.Left = slidePP.Shapes(slidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Left
.Width = slidePP.Shapes(slidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Width
.Height = 300
With .AnimationSettings
.EntryEffect = ppEffectZoomIn
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
.AdvanceTime = 2
End With
End With
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘Being a blank slide (ppLayoutBlank), it has no shapes, you can add your shapes to the slide:
Set slidePP = prsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutBlank)
‘You use the SlideMaster Property to set the background gradient for all slides, as shown in the beginning. If you want to set the background for an individual slide without affecting other slides, you need to set the FollowMasterBackground property of a slide to False, as shown below.
slidePP.FollowMasterBackground = False
slidePP.Background.Fill.PresetGradient Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1, PresetGradientType:=msoGradientCalmWater
With slidePP.SlideShowTransition
.Speed = ppTransitionSpeedSlow
.EntryEffect = ppEffectBoxOut
.AdvanceOnTime = msoTrue
.AdvanceTime = 10
End With
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set shapePP = slidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=
msoShapeRectangle, Left:=10, Top:=10, Width:=470, Height:=250)
‘activate the new slide:
applPP.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘select shape to align:
‘aligning a shape(s):
‘ShapeRange object represents all slide objects selected in the slide. Align (ie. ShapeRange.Align Method) works with ShapeRange, and not with a Shape, hence selection of a shape is required to use the Selection.ShapeRange Property as below.
applPP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
applPP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, msoTrue
‘Aligns all shapes in the slide:
‘slidePP.Shapes.Range.Align msoAlignCenters, msoTrue
‘vertical alignment of textframe in the selected shape:
TextFrame2.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorTop
With shapePP
‘Chr(32) adds a space; Chr(13) is carriage return and has the effect of creating a new paragraph:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Chr(32) & “We hope to Continue this Strong Performance” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(32) & “Thank You Ladies & Gentlemen” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(32) & “End of Presentation”
Alignment = ppAlignJustify
‘add bullets to all text in the range:
Bullet.Type = ppBulletUnnumbered
‘to add bullets to the first paragraph:
ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = ppBulletUnnumbered
‘to add bullets to the last paragraph:
ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Character = 8226
‘indent last para:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs(3).IndentLevel = 2
TextRange.Paragraphs.Count).IndentLevel = 3
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Times New Roman”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
.TextEffect.FontBold = msoTrue
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = ppAdvanceOnTime
‘You can assign different sound effects for each shape viz. Chime, Appluase, etc. Play the powerpoint sound named Applause:
.SoundEffect.Name = “Applause”
.TextUnitEffect = ppAnimateByParagraph
.EntryEffect = ppEffectCheckerboardAcross
End With
End With
‘refer shape by its name:
TextRange.Paragraphs(1).Lines(1).Font.Italic = True
‘format as italic the second and third lines of the first paragraph in shape four on slide one in the current powerpoint presentation:
TextRange.Paragraphs(1).Lines(2, 3).Font.Color = vbBlue
TextRange.Paragraphs(3).Lines(1).Font.Underline = True
‘save the presentation:
‘minimize Excel window:
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
lSlideCount = prsntPP.Slides.Count
‘run the slide show:
applPP.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide 1
‘use the SlideShowSettings Property to set the slide show settings of the presentation:
With prsntPP.SlideShowSettings
.StartingSlide = 1
.EndingSlide = lSlideCount
‘slides will advance per the timings (ie. SlideShowTransition.AdvanceTime) set therein:
.AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings
End With
‘The SlideShowSettings.Run Method runs a slide show. Use the Run method of the SlideShowSettings to create a new Slide Show Window, and then use the View property to return the Slide Show View (ie. the view in a slide show window).
‘set variable of the SlideShowSettings.Run.View object:
Set oSlideShowPP =
‘use the SlideShowView.State Property to return the state of the slide show.
‘the slide show will run till the end of all slides and exit the loop in case of error:
Do Until oSlideShowPP.State = ppSlideShowDone
‘Err.Number = 0 means no error:
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
‘Note that the slide show is being run using the SlideShowSettings.Run method and the SlideShowView.State Property in this example, but the code will not work in PowerPoint 2007 with Late Binding. In the code line — Do Until oSlideShowPP.State = ppSlideShowDone — the built-in constant ppSlideShowDone will need to be replaced by its value of 5 while using Late Binding, which fails while running the code. To automatically run the slide show using late Binding in PowerPoint 2007, see next example.
‘though this does not actually save the presentation, it avoids a dialog box asking to save changes:
prsntPP.Saved = True
‘close presentation
‘clear the variables:
Set shapePP = Nothing
Set slidePP = Nothing
Set prsntPP = Nothing
Set shapeSoundPP = Nothing
Set oSlideShowPP = Nothing
‘quit PowerPoint application:
‘clear the variable:
Set applPP = Nothing
End Sub
Example 3: Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 4 slides with sound effects and chart, run & view the slide show, automatically close & quit the PowerPoint application, using Late Binding.
For live code of this example, click to download excel file.
Sub Automating_PowerPoint_from_Excel_3()
‘Automate PowerPoint from Excel, using Late Binding. You need not add a reference to the PowerPoint object library in Excel (your host application), in this case you will not be able to use the PowerPoint’s predefined constants and will need to replace them by their numerical values in your code.
‘Create a new PowerPoint ppt of 4 slides with sound effects and chart, run & view the slide show, automatically close & quit the PowerPoint application.
‘variables declared as Object Type, which can be a reference to any object:
Dim oApplPP As Object
Dim oPrsntPP As Object
Dim oSlidePP As Object
Dim oShapePP As Object
Dim oSlideShowPP As Object
Dim lSlideCount As Long
Dim dtSlideAdvanceTime As Date
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strPpPath As String, strPpName As String
‘Set a SlideShowTransition.AdvanceTime of 20 seconds for all slides. This should synchronize with the delay time inserted (at the end) for running the slide show.
dtSlideAdvanceTime = 20
‘Create a new instance of the PowerPoint application, if an existing PowerPoint object is not available.
‘Set the Application object as follows:
On Error Resume Next
Set oApplPP = GetObject(, “PowerPoint.Application”)
‘if an instance of an existing PowerPoint object is not available, an error will occur (Err.Number = 0 means no error):
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set oApplPP = CreateObject(“PowerPoint.Application”)
End If
‘disable error handling:
On Error GoTo 0
‘make the PowerPoint window visible:
oApplPP.Visible = True
‘maximize PowerPoint window. Built-in constant ppWindowMaximized has been replaced by its numerical value 3:
oApplPP.WindowState = 3
‘create a new presentation in PowerPoint:
Set oPrsntPP = oApplPP.Presentations.Add
‘set path where to save the new presentation, to the same location as the host workbook:
strPpPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
‘set name for the new presentation with the defined path as determined above:
strPpName = strPpPath & “\” & “newPresentation1.pptx”
‘saves the new presentation, with the specified name and path:
oPrsntPP.SaveAs Filename:=strPpName
‘use the SlideMaster Property to set the background gradient for all slides:
‘Built-in constants msoGradientHorizontal and msoGradientDaybreak have been replaced by their numerical values of 1 and 4:
PresetGradient Style:=1, Variant:=1, PresetGradientType:=4
‘The title slide (ppLayoutTitleOnly) has 1 shape, Shape(1) is the title, you can add your own shapes to the slide:
‘Add a title slide to the new presentation. Built-in constant ppLayoutTitleOnly has been replaced by its value 11.
Set oSlidePP = oPrsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=1, Layout:=11)
‘use the SlideShowTransition Property to determine how the slide advances in a slide show:
With oSlidePP.SlideShowTransition
‘Built-in constant ppTransitionSpeedFast has been replaced by its value 3.
.Speed = 3
‘Built-in constant ppEffectWedge has been replaced by its value 3856.
.EntryEffect = 3856
‘set AdvanceOnTime property to true for the slide to advance automatically after the specified time gap:
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.AdvanceOnTime = -1
‘AdvanceTime Property sets the time gap in seconds for the specified slide transition.
‘set the slide advance time of 20 seconds before it advances to the next slide:
.AdvanceTime = dtSlideAdvanceTime
End With
‘Text Frame refers to the area within a shape that holds text and it has properties and methods to control its alignment and anchoring.
‘TextRange refers to text in a shape and it has properties and methods to add and manipulate text.
‘set the title text on the slide:
oSlidePP.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales Performance – 2012”
‘Create a new shape in the slide. Built-in constant msoShapeOval has been replaced by its value 9.
Set oShapePP = oSlidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=9, Left:=50, Top:=150, Width:=120, Height:=90)
With oShapePP
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Presented by Scott Kelly”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Arial”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.TextEffect.FontBold = -1
‘use the Shape.AnimationSettings Property to apply special effects for animation of a shape during a slide show:
With .AnimationSettings
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2.
.AdvanceMode = 2
.AdvanceTime = 2
.SoundEffect.Name = “Wind”
‘Built-in constant ppEffectFlyFromLeft has been replaced by its value 3329.
.EntryEffect = 3329
‘use TextUnitEffect Property to determine how the text is animated – by paragraph, by word, or by letter:
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByParagraph has been replaced by its value 0.
.TextUnitEffect = 0
End With
End With
‘create a new shape in the slide:
‘Built-in constant msoShape8pointStar has been replaced by its value 93.
Set oShapePP = oSlidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=93, Left:=220, Top:=200, Width:=250, Height:=270)
‘set the shape properties:
With oShapePP
.Name = “Company”
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
‘Built-in constant msoLineThickThin has been replaced by its value 4.
.Line.Style = 4
‘note that vbCrLf or Chr(13) have the effect of creating a new paragraph:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Company Name: CarSalesCo Inc, USA” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & “Includes” & vbCrLf & “all Branches Worldwide”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Arial”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.TextEffect.FontBold = -1
With .AnimationSettings
‘Set the AnimationSettings.AdvanceMode Property to ppAdvanceOnTime, for the animation to start automatically after the specified time gap.
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2.
.AdvanceMode = 2
‘animate specified shape automatically after 2 seconds:
.AdvanceTime = 2
.SoundEffect.Name = “Wind”
‘Built-in constant ppEffectFlyFromLeft has been replaced by its value 3329.
.EntryEffect = 3329
‘The AnimationSettings.TextLevelEffect Property determines the paragraph level by which the text in a shape gets animated:
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateBySecondLevel has been replaced by its value 2.
.TextLevelEffect = 2
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByCharacter has been replaced by its value 2.
.TextUnitEffect = 2
End With
End With
lSlideCount = oPrsntPP.Slides.Count
‘The text slide (ppLayoutText)has 2 shapes wherein text can be inserted, Shape(1) is the title, and Shape(2) is the bulleted text area:
‘Built-in constant ppLayoutText has been replaced by its value 2.
Set oSlidePP = oPrsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=2)
With oSlidePP.SlideShowTransition
‘Built-in constant ppTransitionSpeedFast has been replaced by its value 3.
.Speed = 3
‘Built-in constant ppEffectUncoverDown has been replaced by its value 2052.
.EntryEffect = 2052
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.AdvanceOnTime = -1
.AdvanceTime = dtSlideAdvanceTime
End With
With oSlidePP.Shapes(1)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Your Company has returned a Bumper Sales Performance during the Financial Year 2012. Highlights:”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Verdana”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = vbYellow
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.TextEffect.FontBold = -1
With .AnimationSettings
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2.
.AdvanceMode = 2
.AdvanceTime = 1
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByParagraph has been replaced by its value 0.
.TextUnitEffect = 0
‘Built-in constant ppEffectFlyFromRight has been replaced by its value 3331.
.EntryEffect = 3331
End With
End With
With oSlidePP.Shapes(2)
‘use the TextRange.ParagraphFormat Property to do paragraph formatting for the specified text.
‘this shape is the bulleted text area, here we are changing the bullet type:
‘Built-in constant ppBulletNumbered has been replaced by its value 2.
Bullet.Type = 2
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Sheet1”)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Trim(ws.Range(“A1”)) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Trim(ws.Range(“A2”)) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Trim(ws.Range(“A3”)) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Trim(ws.Range(“A4”)) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Trim(ws.Range(“A5”)) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Trim(ws.Range(“A6”))
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Times New Roman”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.TextEffect.FontBold = -1
With .AnimationSettings
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2.
.AdvanceMode = 2
.AdvanceTime = 1
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByParagraph has been replaced by its value 0.
.TextUnitEffect = 0
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateBySecondLevel has been replaced by its value 2.
.TextLevelEffect = 2
‘Built-in constant ppEffectFlyFromRight has been replaced by its value 3331.
.EntryEffect = 3331
End With
End With
lSlideCount = oPrsntPP.Slides.Count
‘Built-in constant ppLayoutTitleOnly has been replaced by its value 11.
Set oSlidePP = oPrsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=11)
With oSlidePP.SlideShowTransition
‘Built-in constant ppTransitionSpeedFast has been replaced by its value 3.
.Speed = 3
‘Built-in constant ppEffectWheel1Spoke has been replaced by its value 3857.
.EntryEffect = 3857
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.AdvanceOnTime = -1
.AdvanceTime = dtSlideAdvanceTime
End With
oSlidePP.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales Performance – 2012”
With oSlidePP.Shapes(1)
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = “Sales and Profitability Chart”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Verdana”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = vbYellow
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.TextEffect.FontBold = -1
With .AnimationSettings
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2.
.AdvanceMode = 2
.SoundEffect.Name = “Camera”
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByParagraph has been replaced by its value 0.
.TextUnitEffect = 0
‘Built-in constant ppEffectFlyFromTop has been replaced by its value 3330.
.EntryEffect = 3330
End With
End With
Set oShapePP = oSlidePP.Shapes(oSlidePP.Shapes.Count)
With oShapePP
.Top = oSlidePP.Shapes(oSlidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Top + oSlidePP.Shapes(oSlidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Height + 25
.Left = oSlidePP.Shapes(oSlidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Left
.Width = oSlidePP.Shapes(oSlidePP.Shapes.Count – 1).Width
.Height = 300
With .AnimationSettings
‘Built-in constant ppEffectZoomIn has been replaced by its value 3345.
.EntryEffect = 3345
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2.
.AdvanceMode = 2
.AdvanceTime = 2
.SoundEffect.Name = “Chime”
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByParagraph has been replaced by its value 0.
.TextUnitEffect = 0
End With
End With
lSlideCount = oPrsntPP.Slides.Count
‘Being a blank slide (ppLayoutBlank), it has no shapes, you can add your shapes to the slide:
‘Built-in constant ppLayoutBlank has been replaced by its value 12.
Set oSlidePP = oPrsntPP.Slides.Add(Index:=lSlideCount + 1, Layout:=12)
‘You use the SlideMaster Property to set the background gradient for all slides, as shown in the beginning. If you want to set the background for an individual slide without affecting other slides, you need to set the FollowMasterBackground property of a slide to False, as shown below.
oSlidePP.FollowMasterBackground = False
oSlidePP.Background.Fill.PresetGradient Style:=msoGradientHorizontal, Variant:=1, PresetGradientType:=msoGradientCalmWater
With oSlidePP.SlideShowTransition
‘Built-in constant ppTransitionSpeedSlow has been replaced by its value 1.
.Speed = 1
‘Built-in constant ppEffectBoxOut has been replaced by its value 3073.
.EntryEffect = 3073
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1.
.AdvanceOnTime = -1
.AdvanceTime = dtSlideAdvanceTime
End With
‘create a new shape in the slide:
Set oShapePP = oSlidePP.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=
msoShapeRectangle, Left:=10, Top:=10, Width:=470, Height:=250)
‘activate the new slide:
oApplPP.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide oPrsntPP.Slides.Count
‘select shape to align:
‘aligning a shape(s):
‘ShapeRange object represents all slide objects selected in the slide. Align (ie. ShapeRange.Align Method) works with ShapeRange, and not with a Shape, hence selection of a shape is required to use the Selection.ShapeRange Property as below.
‘Built-in constants msoAlignCenters & msoTrue have been replaced by their numerical values 1 and -1:
oApplPP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, -1
‘Built-in constants msoAlignMiddles & msoTrue have been replaced by their numerical values 4 and -1:
oApplPP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, -1
‘Aligns all shapes in the slide:
‘Built-in constants msoAlignCenters & msoTrue have been replaced by their numerical values 1 and -1:
‘oSlidePP.Shapes.Range.Align 1, -1
‘vertical alignment of textframe in the selected shape:
‘Built-in constant msoAnchorTop has been replaced by its value 1.
TextFrame2.VerticalAnchor = 1
With oShapePP
‘Chr(32) adds a space; Chr(13) is carriage return and has the effect of creating a new paragraph:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Chr(32) & “We hope to Continue this Strong Performance” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(32) & “Thank You Ladies & Gentlemen” & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Chr(32) & “End of Presentation”
‘Built-in constant ppAlignJustify has been replaced by its value 4.
Alignment = 4
‘Add bullets to all text in the range. Built-in constant ppBulletUnnumbered has been replaced by its value 1.
Bullet.Type = 1
‘To add bullets to the first paragraph. Built-in constant ppBulletUnnumbered has been replaced by its value 1.:
ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = 1
‘to add bullets to the last paragraph:
Count).ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Character = 8226
‘indent last para:
.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs(3).IndentLevel = 2
TextRange.Paragraphs.Count).IndentLevel = 3
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = “Times New Roman”
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
‘Built-in constant msoTrue has been replaced by its value -1:
.TextEffect.FontBold = -1
With .AnimationSettings
‘Built-in constant ppAdvanceOnTime has been replaced by its value 2:
.AdvanceMode = 2
‘You can assign different sound effects for each shape viz. Chime, Appluase, etc. Play the powerpoint sound named Applause:
.SoundEffect.Name = “Applause”
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateByParagraph has been replaced by its value 0:
.TextUnitEffect = 0
‘Built-in constant ppAnimateBySecondLevel has been replaced by its value 2.
.TextLevelEffect = 2
‘Built-in constant ppEffectCheckerboardAcross has been replaced by its value 1025:
.EntryEffect = 1025
End With
End With
‘refer shape by its name:
TextRange.Paragraphs(1).Lines(1).Font.Italic = True
‘format as italic the second and third lines of the first paragraph in shape three on slide one in the current powerpoint presentation:
Paragraphs(1).Lines(2, 3).Font.Color = vbBlue
Paragraphs(3).Lines(1).Font.Underline = True
‘save the presentation:
‘minimize Excel window:
‘Built-in constant xlMinimized has been replaced by its value -4140.
Application.WindowState = -4140
lSlideCount = oPrsntPP.Slides.Count
Dim iSlideIndexPP As Integer
‘The SlideShowSettings.Run Method runs a slide show. Use the Run method of the SlideShowSettings to create a new Slide Show Window, and then use the View property to return the Slide Show View (ie. the view in a slide show window).
‘To set variable of the SlideShowSettings.Run.View object, use the following code. Note that this creates a new slide show window.
‘Set oSlideShowPP =
‘the slide show will run till the end of all slides:
For iSlideIndexPP = 1 To lSlideCount
‘this will avoid an error message while running the slide show and will exit the For…Next loop:
On Error GoTo ErrorLine
If iSlideIndexPP = 1 Then
‘the slide show window view would have repeated if the object variable oSlideShowPP had been set before the For…Next statement:
Set oSlideShowPP =
oSlideShowPP.GotoSlide iSlideIndexPP
End If
‘Insert a delay time before continuing to next slide. This will ensure that the slide show remains visible while running, else the slides will not be able to hold view.
‘The time set of 20 seconds is equivalent to (it is necessary to synchronize) the standard SlideShowTransition.AdvanceTime set for all slides.
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue(“00:00:20”)
Next iSlideIndexPP
‘Note that the slide show could have also been run using the SlideShowSettings.Run method and the SlideShowView.State Property as shown in the previous example, but the code will not work in PowerPoint 2007 with Late Binding. In the code line — Do Until oSlideShowPP.State = ppSlideShowDone — the built-in constant ppSlideShowDone will need to be replaced by its value of 5 while using Late Binding, which fails while running the code.
‘though this does not actually save the presentation, it avoids a dialog box asking to save changes:
oPrsntPP.Saved = True
Exit Sub
‘though this does not actually save the presentation, it avoids a dialog box asking to save changes:
oPrsntPP.Saved = True
‘close presentation
‘clear the variables:
Set oShapePP = Nothing
Set oSlidePP = Nothing
Set oPrsntPP = Nothing
Set oSlideShowPP = Nothing
‘quit PowerPoint application:
‘clear the variable:
Set oApplPP = Nothing
End Sub